Flexi Benefit Requests: Set up Approval Policies for Flexi Benefit Requests
An Approval policy has Approval Criteria and an Approval Flow. In this Article, we shall see how to set these up for Flexible Benefits at your organization
Navigate to the "Approval Policies" tab in the Core Platform

Click on "Create an Approval Policy" under the Flexi Benefit tab

Give the Policy a Name and click on the "Add Criteria" button under "Approval Criteria" to add your first criterion

Select the first operand. this could be any attribute of the Flexi Benefit request. Go through the list to see all the attributes available and select the one that suits your requirement
One example could be limiting FB Requests to a specific amount or type when they are auto approved
You could also filter out Flexi Benefits that are requested by a user belonging to a specific Team, Department, etc
Now select the value of the operand and combine it with the other criteria for the approval policy using the AND or OR operatorsas shown

Now you can configure the approval flow. There are three options to choose from:
Auto Approve Requests belonging to this criteria
Auto Reject/Restrict Requests belonging to this criteria (With a predefined reason)
Set up an approval chain for such requests

When you want to set up an approval chain for the request, you can add as many steps as you wish in the chain. The way to do it is as follows:
First select the approver type for every step in the chain
Then select the value of the type for that particular step

You can add and remove steps in the approval chain as you wish

Finally, click on the "Submit" button to save your Approval policy.

Note: The order of the approval policies matters. Whenever a request is created, it follows the first policy in the order that matches the approval critera. To change the order, click on the 6 dot icon on the approval policy card and drag it to the desired position in the list.

Congratulations, you have now set up a Flexi Benefit Request Approval Policy in your Organisation
Navigate to the "Approval Policies" tab in the Core Platform

Click on "Create an Approval Policy" under the Flexi Benefit tab

Give the Policy a Name and click on the "Add Criteria" button under "Approval Criteria" to add your first criterion

Select the first operand. this could be any attribute of the Flexi Benefit request. Go through the list to see all the attributes available and select the one that suits your requirement
One example could be limiting FB Requests to a specific amount or type when they are auto approved
You could also filter out Flexi Benefits that are requested by a user belonging to a specific Team, Department, etc
Now select the value of the operand and combine it with the other criteria for the approval policy using the AND or OR operatorsas shown

Now you can configure the approval flow. There are three options to choose from:
Auto Approve Requests belonging to this criteria
Auto Reject/Restrict Requests belonging to this criteria (With a predefined reason)
Set up an approval chain for such requests

When you want to set up an approval chain for the request, you can add as many steps as you wish in the chain. The way to do it is as follows:
First select the approver type for every step in the chain
Then select the value of the type for that particular step

You can add and remove steps in the approval chain as you wish

Finally, click on the "Submit" button to save your Approval policy.

Note: The order of the approval policies matters. Whenever a request is created, it follows the first policy in the order that matches the approval critera. To change the order, click on the 6 dot icon on the approval policy card and drag it to the desired position in the list.

Congratulations, you have now set up a Flexi Benefit Request Approval Policy in your Organisation
Updated on: 30/07/2024
Thank you!